Thursday, July 19, 2012

Deeds Of Yore Update!

Hey everyone, I know I haven't been contacting the outside world very much the last couple of months regarding "Deeds Of Yore".  To anyone who has been sitting at the edge of their seat wondering what's going on I sincerely apologize.  So, here's the scoop... I am pushing back the release date of the last episode of the first season (Episode 15 "End Side A")  from August 1st, to sometime in September.  As you already know, I've had to change drastically the presentation of the second half of the first season.  At the same time, I also need to re-create the first half of the series in a compilation for new viewers, because I was forced to take down the first 13 episodes due to a split with one of the co-creators.  "Deeds Of Yore" is by no means all me.  A small team of dedicated artists support this series with their talent, and we have added some new blood recently so that we can take Season 2 to a new level (no pun intended). All this means we need a little more time to develop the story to it's full potential.  If I don't post for the next couple of weeks, it's because I'm busy on this exciting next phase of Deeds.  Oh, and the contest is still on!  Your artwork will be judged and a winner announced before the release of Episode 15, so stay tuned.


  1. I know I am probably the last person that should be handing out advice given My site lack of reputation at the moment. I am new at blogging, but not at all to gaming. Anyways, I noticed the text on this post was highlighted with white. This happened to me a few times and really pissed me off. I found, that when you paste text, where ever you pasted it from, it preserves its formatting. I know, I know, makes no sense. But, if you highlight your text and click the remove formatting button, you will notice the text will change. Sometimes this can be a pain, but in the long run, it's worth it. Anyway, just a thought. And love the blog. Let me know if you are interested in handing out any tips, because like I said I am new to blogging. Okay, thanks!
