Saturday, June 30, 2012

A message from Robita.

Friends, fans, and everyone else,

Tonight I present to you the first in a two part ending to the first volume of the "Deeds Of Yore" saga.  The last two episodes are not presented as an end to the story, but rather the beginning of a new adventure in Yore starting January 1st 2013.  I did not intend my story to take this twist but, like all good works of art, it is the creation that decides the course it will take and not the creator.  I am extremely excited to take all of you down this new and even more exciting road in the Land Of Yore.  So stay up late (if you're in my timezone), kick back, relax, and enjoy "Deeds Of Yore Level 14, TheTop".


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rags to Riches, the best game in town...

I wanted to make "Rags To Riches" the Game-a-day #1, however, because of changes that I had to make on "Deeds Of Yore", and the time involved in making them my Game-a-day got off track.  I'm still heavy on the "Deeds Of Yore" work, and the new episode will be out this Sunday July 1st.  So, while I don't have time right now to post a lot on the blog, I still want to feature what I consider the best computer game of all time.  Yes, it's a bold statement, but for me it's true.  There is no other game that I have ever played that is so complete in it's creativity, simplicity and fun. "Rags" is creative... You play a bum, a hobo down on his luck.  How many games are about being a hobo?  Anyhow, the point of the game is to make a million bucks starting with two dollars ten cents, a subway ticket, two bottles and a bone.  Game play is the American dream in 8 bit.  It's simple to play... Keep your rest and food and or alcohol meters up, collect bottles for their recycling value, ride the subway to different parts of town, avoid the cops, robbers, and when you get a little in the bank, the IRS.  You can't get a job without a haircut or if you are drunk, you need to get an education to get a better job, and eventually if you play your cards right you will get that one million.  I have finished this game and <Spoiler Alert!>, nothing happens when you win... You just win, and you can keep playing, but there is little point.  I can still play this game over and over, and never get tired of it.  Maybe it's that it mirrors life so well, or perhaps it's just that hope it brings that an 8 bit hobo can be a millionaire. Whatever it is, I think "Rags To Riches" is magical.  It's an unknown masterpiece.  A timeless tale of making something out of nothing.

Rags to Riches on Gamebase64

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Deeds Of Yore, down a new road.

I'm back!  And so is "Deeds Of Yore".  I apologize for the information blackout the last two weeks, but it was unavoidable.  Deeds is a collaboration of many people (as you can see in the credits at the end of each episode).  Although it is a simple animated series there is a lot of work that goes into each episode.  Collaborative efforts like Deeds are often subject to the  opinions or moods of their creators.  Due to some creative differences in my team I will not be presenting "Deeds Of Yore" as I had intended  (in a second half of 12 episodes).  I will be presenting you with two last episodes that will  complete the "Yore" saga.  Don't fret, although, there are only two episodes remaining, I am setting things up to continue the story in a second season.  I am very excited about this second season, as it extends the story, and opens the land of Yore to amazing possibilities.  So here's the Schedule for the last two episodes...

July 1st, 2012   - We post Episode 14

August 1st, 2012 - We post Episode 15 (The final episode of season 1)

Season two is already under development.  I will announce it's release date, and start posting previews ASAP.  It's not easy making an independent animated web series, but I want to thank all the supportive fans of "Deeds Of Yore" for their words of encouragement and for watching my series.  I look forward to taking all of you on a new adventure soon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Fiends and Fans of Deeds Of Yore,

If you've been reading the blog you know that I've been a little down in the dumps this last week.  Several problems arose in my life and in the production of "Deeds Of Yore".  I will not be able to update the blog for a week or so, and the release of the second half of the series may have a slight delay.  I have been overwhelmed by the support and fantastic comments and interactions I have received from all of you, and I am still working toward bringing you  the second half of the series as promised.  Please Stand By... Thanks,


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #24...Moebius - The Orb of Celestial Harmony

Whoa dude, the review of this game on Abandonia calls it "ahead of it's time"... Yes, I could not have said it better.  It's not only ahead of it's time, but it's freaking weird as hell.  It's got a sort of spiritual theme to it what with the yin yang and all. I dunno, I'll be honest, I didn't play it enough to fully understand it, and it's not the type of game that you can just start playing because it's very unique.  I think it's worth a good long investigation.  I never played "Moebius" when I was a kid, but I remember it was in a hint book I had (I still have it), called "The Quest For Clues".  It was a compilation of several popular RPG and adventure game walkthroughs, in the pre-internet days when you couldn't just find the answers to your games and you had to actually buy an expensive book.  I guess they still sell the strategy guides, but I have no idea who buys them, well I did buy one for a NDS Zelda game six or so years ago, so I guess the people who buy them still are people like me who miss the good old days of books.  Anyway, you don't need a book to get the walkthrough for "Moebius", Abandonia has it right on the page with the game.  Okay, so I didn't talk about the game very much here, but you can try it for yourself.

Moebius on Abandonia

Game-a-day #20...LA Drugs Bust.

Like I said yesterday, I'm a little down in the dumps, but this game gave me a good laugh in spite of it all.  First off it's called "LA Drugs Bust", Yes "Drugs Bust"... That's funny enough, but then play the game and you'll be rolling on the floor.  I'm an LA (Los Angeles) native, so already it's cool that this game takes place in my city.  I think it's awesome that LA is depicted as filled with street crime, and automatic weapons.  It's a regular turkey shoot game, that is, you have a cross hair and shoot targets as the field of view changes. I always liked this type of game for some reason, because it's so low commitment I guess, you just shoot stuff and move on.  "Drugs Bust" has old ladies who walk along the street in the midst of a firefight (I have no idea why an old lady would do this).  Don't shoot the old ladies, because they are linked to your health (also not sure why that is).  Anyhow, I guess the story line must be that a drug gang has taken over the streets of LA and now you must clean them up...  Hahahahaha!  See, it's so funny it's hard to do anything but laugh out loud.  Thank the creator for this awesome game.

LA Drugs Bust on Gamebase64

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #23...Weird Dreams.

Since I'm in a funk this week for some reason, I guess it's a good time to whip out the weird games, and there aren't any stranger than "Weird Dreams".  I'm serious, this is a game that plays like a series of bad dreams.  It's still a lot of fun to play, unless you get creeped out easily, and I don't.  It's arcade style play, but it's hard as hell.  The graphics are quite good at least in the DOS version, and the music sets the mood in each weird scenario.  I think it's just something you need to experience for yourself to understand, and then you might not anyhow.  Well I'm off to bed, and maybe some "Weird Dreams".

Weird Dreams on Abandonia.

Game-a-day #21...Grandma's House.

Today I'm feeling a little glum, maybe it's the stress of life, or just the way the stars are aligned, but I'm in a funk.  So I picked a game that gives me happy wholesome memories of my tween years, "Grandma's House".  It's not exciting at all, or even challenging, in fact it's a software tittle for kids.  The graphics are bad, the colors are bad, there is no game play, because it's just about populating a house with stuff.  Why do I turn to this title when I'm feeling low?  Because I bought it for my sister who is about ten years my junior.  I got it when I was a tween, so that she would have something to do on my computer.  As it turns out, she was very fond of this little game, because it's just about as simple as stuff gets, you tool around as your avatar (who you select) and go to different worlds I guess you would call them to get furniture or other cool stuff to populate "Grandma's House" with.  So yeah, not the most exciting thing in the world, but hey, excitement is overrated if you ask me.  Booting up "Grandmas House" brings me back to a time when I sat with my little sister and ate popsicles while playing with the C64 on the living room TV.  We can never regain the past, but it's nice to visit "Grandma's House" once in a while and remember what it was all about.

Grandma's House on Gamebase64

Friday, June 8, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #22... Detroit.

Wanna be Henry Ford?  You can... Just play Detroit. Here in the US there's a little buzz about the American car industry making a come back.  I don't know about all that.  But if you want to experience the early car industry in every detail, I'd go ahead and play this game.  It's a 1993 vintage, and at that time simulations were all the rage.  This particular simulation is full of detail, and I mean full of it.  I don't think they left a single thing out of this game... Just play it, I can go on and on about all the features, however, I feel like if you like complex simulators and cars, you're going to like this.  So go on, the little simulated world is waiting for your cars.

Detroit on Abandonia

Game-a-day #22...Mad Doctor.

This one is totally weird, but it's also very cool.  I plan to spend more time on this game because it's so bizarre. Seems to be a Mad Scientist (Doctor) simulator?  I think the idea of this game is to make a Frankenstein monster, there's underground dungeons, a little town, people to kidnap (for body parts).  Yeah, it's a little dark, but hey, it's called "Mad Doctor"... What do you want?  I like the simple graphics, they rock. I like the 3Dish feel, and it has a creepy mood, that I think a game called "Mad Doctor" should have.  Games like this are why the C64 is so awesome.  There were so many strange games made for the Commodore because something about the C64 inspires a raw creativity.  Forget the Apple Computer campaign "Think Different", the Commodore is the real deal dude.  So play "Mad Doctor", and be part of the real "Think Different" world.

Mad doctor on Gamebase64

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #21...Tintin - Prisoners of the Sun.

Tintin is a favorite comic book character of mine.  Although I am a native of the US, born and raised, I was lucky enough to have a mother who was familiar with Tintin, and who bought me most of the graphic novels for me at an early age.  Tintin really is super awesome, he's a reporter who get's into all kinds of adventures, you may have seen the recent movie.  If you're from Europe and you don't know who Tintin is, where have you been the last seventy years?  But I digress, back to the game.  "Prisoners of the Sun" isn't a bad game, but it's not fantastic either.  Being a huge Tintin fan, I was a tiny bit disappointed with the game play.  This is the most modern game I have yet mentioned in this blog, and it's not all that advanced.  It's an arcade style game with a story line.  The story is great, the arcade parts... not so great.  I guess I would have liked a point and click with more puzzle solving for a game in 1997, and I think that kind of game would lend itself better to the Tintin world.  I'm also a die hard Adventure / RPG player, so I always want more depth of play.  Other than pretty good graphics and being a Tintin game, I would probably not like this game a whole lot.  It's very hard, and not entirely rewarding.  Don't take my word for it, go ahead and play if for yourself.  Tintin fans NEED to play it asap.  I'll let you discover all the details yourself.

Prisoners of the Sun on abandonia.

Game-a-day #23...Trash Man.

I love games that deal with real world situations or vocations in the case of "Trash Man".   Like "Paperboy", this game sets you up in a neighborhood setting where you must serve the population.  Rather than a glamorous paperboy, you are a trash man.  Sure it sounds mundane, but what was "Frogger" about... crossing the road?  How much adventure was in Pac-Man?  What was Pac-Man?  I guess he was a puck, because his name was Puck-Man in his original iteration. Donkey Kong?  It's about rescuing your girlfriend from a gorilla, so, okay, it's more of an adventure, but still, no guns or ships or bombs.  Anyhow, let's just say some of the timeless classics of game history are non-violent, sometimes mundane, yet very fun games.  I like "Trash Man", it is fun, it's a little slow, but hey, so's your grandma.  It's easy, you have to collect trash and put it into the trash truck.  Avoid getting hit by cars, and be sure to do it fast or you get fired.  I guess it's a little like a day job, but if you always wanted to be a sanitation worker, here it is.  I say play it, I did and I'm glad... If you need a spaceship game try Asteroids.

Trash Man on Gamebase64

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #20...Aquaphobia.

Here's a game from the 90's that even at the time was a sort of throwback.  "Aquaphobia", it's not the most sophisticated game, but it has some good points.  It's an action game, and that's a plus if you're short on time and need a game fix.  It's hard, so you don't have to worry about mastering it too quick, and it takes place underwater, a setting I like especially in an action game.  You are a diver and you have harpoons to throw at the angry underwater things that come at you.  You have a limited supply of air, and that's what makes this game a real challenge.  You can't just hang back and kill stuff you have to worry about how much air you have in the tank. Air only drops down at specific places, so if you take too long, it's death for you.  I like this little spin on a time limit, because you also have to grab the air without getting killed.  So, it's not an amazing game that you want to see immortalized in a temple of game heroes, but it's solid and you should have some fun with it.  Hmmmmmm, Will there be any deep sea adventure in "Deeds Of Yore"? Dive! Dive!

Aquaphobia on Abandonia.

Game-a-day #24...Little Computer People.

Some people will say that "Little Computer People" isn't a game.  If Tamagotchi is a game then "Little Computer people is a game too.  This game is the grandfather of the current Sims games.  The Sims are fine, a lot of detail and all, but I like the simplicity of "Little Computer People" over all of their complicated glitz and glamour. Somehow I feel at home when I play this game.  I don't know why, but this game is like a time machine for me.  More than any other game it takes me back to the 80's, back to my bedroom, with the GIANT computer table, back to the days that I would watch Chanel 5 Sunday movies on my 13 inch TV.  "Little Computer People" takes me back.  It was a simple time, no cell phones or twitter, or facebook.  To be honest in many ways I miss that time.  I mean, I like all the stuff we have today, and you can never go back, but when I fire up "Little Computer People", I can get as close to going back as I think is at all possible.  You don't have much to do in this game, you just watch your little guy live his life in his little house.  He watches TV, eats, feeds his dog, talks on the phone sleeps, uses the computer, and even plays piano.  You do have to make sure your little guy has water and food, and dog food, and you can make his phone and alarm ring.  It's not the most exciting way to spend an afternoon, but it's fun, cool, and like I said, it takes me back.  Give it a try, there's a meditative quality to it.

Little Computer People on Gamebase64

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #19...Crime Time

This is an interesting mystery crime type adventure.  The interface is dated to be sure, but it's easy to use and you'll be playing in a very few minutes.  It's like an early point and click, but you can't click on the actual artwork, that by the way is NOT animated but rather static.  There's some good mood music and you can interact with the world via clicking on actions and items on lists. Okay, I don't give this game any gold stars for being amazing to play, but the story is compelling and it's generally not bad.  If you like the crime genre, check this game out, if you get past it's slightly uncomfortable interface you'll get some great game play out of it.  Give it a try amateur detective types.

Crime Time on Abandonia

Game-a-day #25...Mothership.

Here's a simple, simple, simple one.  It's not as simple as "Down the Chimney", but it's dang simple.  You move and fire.  Now, the fact that it's simple doesn't mean it's easy, in fact it's freaking hard.  Fun?  I guess, it's not super enormous fun like Disneyland, or magic shows, but it's kinda amusing.  I like the Star Warsish look of it all, kinda cool too. I think I might like most other games a little better than this one, but I don't hate it.  Don't hate. appreciate!  Dont' hate, it's late, the game's not great, but it's your fate, to play it mate.  So go get it...

P.S. It's called "Mothership".

Mothership on Gamebase64

Monday, June 4, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #18...Zeliard.

"Zeliard" is in a word, delightful.  It's and arcade style adventure in the tradition of "The Adventure of Link", a sophisticated, stylish game that only the Japanese could bring to the table. Okay, so it's a rip off of "Link", but who cares, it's got it's own story, the artwork is awesome and original, it plays like an anime movie.  What more do you want.  I'll tell you what more I want, I want more time to play this game.  I was actually upset that I have to finish making "Deeds Of Yore" before I can spend a week on this game, and I LOVE making "Deeds Of Yore".... Oh Abandonia, why do you bring me such awesome games!?  I just want to play them and do nothing else.  Oh well, it's back to work for me, but if you have time, dude, this is the game.  I only played it for like ten minutes, and all I wanted was more.  Go to it adventures, go to it.

Zelirad on Abandonia

Game-a-day #26...Exodus.

Aka Ultima III.  It's a good starter Ultima for the RPG noob.  My favorite Ultima is Ultima I, but I'm hard core.  The bulk of the vintage game public may like to play a game less deep retro. Exodus is just particularly playable, and unlike it's child Ultima IV it's not a full time job. Let's say you're new to RPG games, you like the idea of playing an RPG, but you just don't know where to start...  Exodus dude, start with Exodus. You get to play with multiple characters, you have an epic quest, lot's of towns and castles, dungeons.  It's a solid game.  Most of the games that Origin made over the years are solid, you can be kinda sure that if a game has an Origin logo on it, it's gonna be pretty good.  You might be a RPG noob, or an RPG master, but either way Exodus is a great game.

Exodus on Gamebase64

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #17...Bad Blood.

Here's another cool one from Origin (you remember the creators of Ultima, Auto Duel... ).  This is a later era game (1990), and it's not bad.  It's Post Apocalyptic (I'm sold), after the bomb, you had me at Post Apocalyptic, and to add wonder to marvel, you get to play the mutants.  Yup, you get to pick a mutant to play, and you're like a cool good mutant to boot.  You have to stop an impending conflict between humans and mutants, and there's a sophisticated story line and everything.  It's top down, and that's very cool, and I like that the controls are easy and right in front of your face.  It all plays out on an old TV that is the main screen, a bottle lets you know your health status.  It's a creative interface for sure and I like the graphics quite a bit.  Seems like "Bad Blood" would be a good starter RPG, because it's not as complicated at say Ultima, but not as simple as console types like Zelda.  Check it out, see what you think.

Bad Blood at Abandonia

Game-a-day #27...The Untouchables.

Okay ya mugs, drop the heatrolas and reach for the sky!  That's my attempt at some good old fashioned thirties gangster talk. You know like James Cagney.  "The Untouchables" is a game set in the world of prohibition, bootleggers, G-men, and Tommy guns.  I always liked the 30's gangster genre, it's underused in the video/computer game world in my opinion.  Why don't they make a GTA bootlegger version?  Economic depression, booze, old cars... Anyhow, back to the C64 game,  it's a side scroll shoot-em-up.  It's Fun, has pretty good graphics.  The game play is smooth and fast paced.  It was published back in 89 a couple years after the blockbuster film of the same name that stared Kevin Costner and had the baseball bat scene, Sean Connery too.  If you like the movie, and you like side scroll shooting games, try this one out, it's a real peach, a hot tomato....see.

The Untouchables on Gamebase64

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #16...Inspector Gadget.

Did you watch Inspector Gadget?  I did... I know it was a goofy cartoon, but you know as a kid I liked it.  Wasn't my favorite, but it was funny, and I think it must have been the inspiration for the modern day laptop/netbook.  That's right, the Penny's computer book.  When I got my first laptop in 1994, I remember one of my first thoughts was, "This is like a real life computer book".  As kids we all wanted a computer book like Penny had, it was awesome, a portable computer the size of a book.  The computer book actually looked like a real book and opened like one... Maybe they should bake a netbook like that, I would buy it.  Okay, so the game here brought to us by our good friends at Abandonia, is pretty good.  It's like getting to play the cartoon, and as it's an early 90's game (1992), the graphics are good and the interface is smooth. It's a point and click type game, so to me it's awesome (I love a good point and click).  It's way easy to get started, and it is very much like the cartoon.  This game was made about six years after the series had ended, but Gadget enjoyed syndication well into the 90's so it's easy to see why they made the game at that time.  In the 90's they ended up making a lot of cartoons into games because the graphics were good enough by then.  If you like Inspector Gadget don't hesitate to get this game, it's fun and funny and will bring back memories, so go on.... Go Go Gadget Download at Abandonia.

Inspector Gadget at Abandonia

Arcade Compare #2...Star Wars.

Star Wars... It was HOT in the 80's, it's hot today, but when I was a kid, I think I would have done anything to be able to participate in the destruction on the Death Star.  Lucky for me the video game industry was aware of my desire, and realized it was the desire of about every kid who's eyes had fallen on the original Lucas classic.  In 1983 Atari created the Star Wars arcade game.  No trip to my local arcade was complete without a stab at the Empire in color vector graphics.I remember getting good enough to destroy the Death Star the first time (not too hard), I mean, I might as well have fallen into the movie I was so excited.  I thought I was Luke.  It's not hard to see why I bought this game for my C64.  I had the Atari 2600 version that did NOT have vector graphics, but the Commodore version did.  The C64 version of the classic is great, it's just about as good as arcade ports get for the Commodore.  The graphics are as close as they can be to the original, game play is very very close.  I'll go out on a limb and say this may be the best arcade port to C64 I know about.  Today, you can just fire up Mame and play the arcade version, and no matter how good the C64 version is, it's not the arcade version.  But it's fun to be able to play both and remember the days when the arcade was king, my shoes had Velcro, and I had to wait a week for new episodes of my favorite shows to air on TV.

Game-a-day #28...A Rock Star ate my Hamster.

Did you ever play the lemonade stand game?  It's a game where you run a lemonade stand and you buy lemons, sugar, ice and cups and see how much money you can make given weather conditions. "A Rock Star Ate My Hamster" is like an advanced version of that lemonade game.  You are a music producer and your goal is to create a star or stars.  I thought this game looked stupid at first, but after I played it for a while I got to liking it quite a bit.  It's humorous, and a little addicting. There's no action in this game, it's totally decision making strategy  based play, but it's kinda cool, and the graphics are classic.  Music fans will appreciate the silly parodies of rock and pop icons, and you strategy people will enjoy trying to get a gold record.  It's also a cool history lesson for you kids who don't know about the days when itunes didn't exist, and you actually bought albums.  It's fun and funny, try it out, you'll probably like it.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Abandonia Treasures #15...Legend Of Kyrandia.

Well, now that I've opened the flood gates to the games of the 90's it only seems fair to start featuring some of them in the Abandonia Treasures entry.  As and era I always thought of the 90's, especially the early part of the decade as a dark time in computer game history, kind of like the "Dark Ages".  But I was wrong, and it's Abandonia that set me straight.  When you look at all the games on their site, so many are so good and so from the early 90's.  I don't know what I was thinking, well I do know why I was thinking, but I was thinking all wrong.  See I had a Mac in the 90's and yeah it was sweet and had like 4MB of ram and a giant 117MB hard drive, COLOR screen, and 25Mhz of processing power.  For a laptop it was SUPER... but for games, not so much.  If you read the last entry Game-a-day today, you know that from 1991-1993 I was all wrapped up in being a rebellious young person, then after that... A Mac.  So, yeah I missed out on an entire world of games that they made for the PC until 1996 when I graduated from computer trade school and built my very own Pentium (well Cyrix) system with a 100Mhz CPU.  That's like five years of no good games, but... I did have one game that I remember was quite good for my Mac laptop, and it was "Legend Of Kyrandia".  Sweet, funny, great graphics, this game is a winner.  It plays utilizing one of my favorite systems of all time, the point-and-click method.  You collect stuff, you solve sweet puzzles, it's a win.  Now, I never played this game to completion, no sir.  But I did spend many hours playing it and marveling at the graphics that I was sure could get no better.  Okay, so graphics got better and I didn't think they would, I'm not a prophet, I'm just a man, and a man aint' nothin' but a man.  If you know who said that (not me), then you win an American folk lore prize.

Legend of Kyrandia on Abandonia

Game-a-day #29 ...Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters.

I'm gonna call today 90's day, because for the first time in Game-a-day history (a little less than two months) I'm pulling a 90's game off the shelf to talk about.  Yeah! the 90's were kinda cool, they started Grunge, Techno, Liquid Television, Reality TV, wild art coffee houses... I went to one in the early 90's called Van Gogh's Ear, it was right on the Venice Boardwalk, a famous strip of beach in Los Angeles, and the times I had there were very 90's alternative good.  But I digress into my early adulthood, and I'm not talking about games like I should. Okay, so I didn't actually get to play a lot of computer games from 90-93, because I was busy being a late teen who just liked girls, experimenting with controlled substances, and learning about tobacco and beer.  My C64 sat on a shelf for this three year period and at the end of it all it was outdated to the point of going into a closet.  There was one exception during this period.  I was hanging out with a girl I had a crush on who happened to have a C64 of her own, and was still trying to finish "Alice in Wonderland" on it, so we played that game a little together.  Man, memory lane kinda gets you off subject.  Anyway, needless to say I missed some of the most advanced titles the C64 had to offer and "Escape From The Planed Of The Robot Monsters" is one of them.  It's a rescue game kind of like "Alien Syndrome".  It's got Isometric graphics (awesome), multi-level ladder access, a bunch of robots, hostages to rescue, a weapon, and it even plays with the pace of a good arcade game.  The graphics are in the as good as the C64 can do and still have moving objects category.  The C64 enjoyed a long life for a personal computer, games being produced well into the 90's are good proof of that.  So while I was following the Grateful Dead, and hitchhiking through Northern California, some awesome game companies were making sweet games that I never got to pay, but get to now through the miracle of hackers and emulation.

Escape from the planet of the Robot Monsters on Gamebase64