Sunday, June 24, 2012

Deeds Of Yore, down a new road.

I'm back!  And so is "Deeds Of Yore".  I apologize for the information blackout the last two weeks, but it was unavoidable.  Deeds is a collaboration of many people (as you can see in the credits at the end of each episode).  Although it is a simple animated series there is a lot of work that goes into each episode.  Collaborative efforts like Deeds are often subject to the  opinions or moods of their creators.  Due to some creative differences in my team I will not be presenting "Deeds Of Yore" as I had intended  (in a second half of 12 episodes).  I will be presenting you with two last episodes that will  complete the "Yore" saga.  Don't fret, although, there are only two episodes remaining, I am setting things up to continue the story in a second season.  I am very excited about this second season, as it extends the story, and opens the land of Yore to amazing possibilities.  So here's the Schedule for the last two episodes...

July 1st, 2012   - We post Episode 14

August 1st, 2012 - We post Episode 15 (The final episode of season 1)

Season two is already under development.  I will announce it's release date, and start posting previews ASAP.  It's not easy making an independent animated web series, but I want to thank all the supportive fans of "Deeds Of Yore" for their words of encouragement and for watching my series.  I look forward to taking all of you on a new adventure soon.

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