Saturday, June 9, 2012

Game-a-day #21...Grandma's House.

Today I'm feeling a little glum, maybe it's the stress of life, or just the way the stars are aligned, but I'm in a funk.  So I picked a game that gives me happy wholesome memories of my tween years, "Grandma's House".  It's not exciting at all, or even challenging, in fact it's a software tittle for kids.  The graphics are bad, the colors are bad, there is no game play, because it's just about populating a house with stuff.  Why do I turn to this title when I'm feeling low?  Because I bought it for my sister who is about ten years my junior.  I got it when I was a tween, so that she would have something to do on my computer.  As it turns out, she was very fond of this little game, because it's just about as simple as stuff gets, you tool around as your avatar (who you select) and go to different worlds I guess you would call them to get furniture or other cool stuff to populate "Grandma's House" with.  So yeah, not the most exciting thing in the world, but hey, excitement is overrated if you ask me.  Booting up "Grandmas House" brings me back to a time when I sat with my little sister and ate popsicles while playing with the C64 on the living room TV.  We can never regain the past, but it's nice to visit "Grandma's House" once in a while and remember what it was all about.

Grandma's House on Gamebase64

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