Thursday, March 29, 2012

As seen in Episode 1...Skyfox

A fantastic game that was featured in Deeds is "Skyfox".  Set in the future, you play a pilot for The Federation, and you fly the most advanced fighter craft in the world,...The Skyfox.  As a kid the two things I liked best about this game were that when you started a mission you pressed the button and  launched through a tunnel (like Battlestar Galactica), and The Skyfox can't crash into the ground, I assume because it's so advanced.  Game play is simple but action packed and for its day (1984) the graphics are awesome.  My favorite thing about games like Skyfox and really most vintage games in general, is that they didn't come with or impose upon you a very specific story line.  Sure Skyfox allowed you to select the parameters of the mission, but after that you just played and used your imagination to fill in the details.  Games today are like complete alternate realities, with no room for the use of imagination.  I feel a little sorry for kids today because the games they play are so advanced most of them will probably never get to experience the type of computer gaming my generation enjoyed.  Anyhow, check out the links below for more information on "Skyfox".

Skyfox on GB64

Skyfox on Wikipedia

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