Sunday, June 10, 2012

Game-a-day #20...LA Drugs Bust.

Like I said yesterday, I'm a little down in the dumps, but this game gave me a good laugh in spite of it all.  First off it's called "LA Drugs Bust", Yes "Drugs Bust"... That's funny enough, but then play the game and you'll be rolling on the floor.  I'm an LA (Los Angeles) native, so already it's cool that this game takes place in my city.  I think it's awesome that LA is depicted as filled with street crime, and automatic weapons.  It's a regular turkey shoot game, that is, you have a cross hair and shoot targets as the field of view changes. I always liked this type of game for some reason, because it's so low commitment I guess, you just shoot stuff and move on.  "Drugs Bust" has old ladies who walk along the street in the midst of a firefight (I have no idea why an old lady would do this).  Don't shoot the old ladies, because they are linked to your health (also not sure why that is).  Anyhow, I guess the story line must be that a drug gang has taken over the streets of LA and now you must clean them up...  Hahahahaha!  See, it's so funny it's hard to do anything but laugh out loud.  Thank the creator for this awesome game.

LA Drugs Bust on Gamebase64

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