Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Game-a-day #31...Snoopy.

I know I already did a Snoopy game on the Abandonia Treasures a week or so ago, but this game deserves a mention.  I'm not writing about this game because it's a good game, in fact it's kind of bad.  This had to be one of the slowest side scroll games I have ever played.  It's slow, but for a slow game it sure ends up being hard, and not a LOT of fun, although fun is a relative term and I hate to assume that my idea of fun is the same as another person's.  We're all individuals, and if "Snoopy" is the game for you, more power to to you bro, or sister, if you're a girl.  Look, different strokes for different folks, and some folks love them a slow ass side scroll that stars a popular beagle from the newspaper comics.  You know, now that I'm thinking about it, this game could be called anything, and star any character because it's just a progression of side scroll puzzles (that suck) and you just happen to have an "Avatar" (stupid but well done movie), that looks like Snoopy.  Don't feel bad if you like this game either, there's an entire population of people who think the Twilight saga is outstanding.  Like I said, it takes different strokes man.

P.S. One last note.  I love SID tunes, but this game plays "The Entertainer" over and over, till you just want it to end.  Good stuff.  Still try it though.

Snoopy on Gamebase64

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