Thursday, May 17, 2012

Game-a-day #39...Barbie.

I'm going to guess the idea of this goofy game was to get little girls interested in computer games.  Of course in the 80's the only way the corporate establishment figured this would work would be to make a girly game. Barbie is what all the girly girls likes, so that's what they made. "Barbie" is more than a touch sexist, and just well... goofy.  You get a call from Ken asking if you would like to go on a date and to the game's credit you hear real synth speech, and that's always cool.  Ken asks you on different dates... dinner, the pool, tennis... The prom I think, then you drive down the very small street, dress and accessorize yourself.  Want blue hair?  They got that.  Want to wear heels and a bikini?  You can.  It's weird and not something I'd want a female kid of mine playing if for no other reason than it's just an exorcise in consumerism.  Ah well, it's a novelty piece at best misogynistic at worst, but still deserves a place in our electronic heritage, and it's Barbie, a toy legend.  So look it over if you want a laugh... She looks ok for an 8-bit chick eh?

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